Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fires update

It seems from the news over the last couple of days that the extreme temperatures and winds that were the final trigger of this disaster in our nations south have finally subsided, and even though there are still 4 major fires and a lot of smaller fires still active, they are burning at a level where fire crews can finnally control them - this weather pattern is predicted for at least the next week, and with the resources that are deployed in Vict at the moment, hopefully these fires will be contained in the next 48 hrs or so.

I am not aware of any recent fatalities/ major injuries over the last few days, and the death toll was still 210 last I heard (but there are still people unaccounted for). I have yet to hear a report on deaths to native animals, livestock etc - but would imagine that this figure would run into the 10's of thousands or higher.

Now we will watch and see if the various charities that have had over $100.000.000 so far in cash donations, let alone clothing, food, fodder etc, can do the right thing , or stuff up as was the case following "Cyclone Tracey" in Darwin in 1974, where the people who were supposed to benefit from the nations response got stuff all

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Re Climate Change and a few prior blogs

As some of you who read this may remember, I entered this year with the certainty that some close friends& fellow firies were going to depart this mortal realm very soon - unfortunately this has happened, along with the mother of another close friend (and fellow firie) who was a friend to many

Jack was a fairly close nieghbour,with his wife Shirley they ran a small farm with goats, Jack Russells, & Maremmas as their choice of stock- even into their 80's, they were an active part of our brigade - Shirley has been treasurer for many years and both played a part on the fireline till age limited that possibility, but they were both there doing what they could to help in a crisis

Judith (wife of our own "Lanky Yank") was secretary of the brigade for a number of years - was initially thought to be a "Greenie" till we got to know her , then we realised that she was a die hard conservationist - but not one eyed like the leftist greens. She was always keeping the long term preservation of the flora & fauna in the forefront of my decisions with hazard reductions, and continued that with my successor as captain. I think that after a few years, she came to accept that we who raced out and strategically burnt areas of the bush in a seemingly ad hoc manner, were actually being conservationists as well in that we were reducing the chance of a major fire impacting to a large extent on the native plants and animals.

"Shine"- Lover of the land - mother of a very good friend of mine - loved and respected by all in the community that was a large part of her life -even in her mid 80's, when she was finding it difficult to saddle up a horse, took to a 4 wheeler bike to be able to check on her beloved cattle -and help out with the associated husbandry -a genuine country woman.