(or " how many chinamen have I killed recently" - lol )
Last week started off as one that I wished that had not started , ie came home on Monday to the news that my property was basically sold, just required a few signatures etc -then came home on Tuesday knowing that my sister was undergoing surgery for breast cancer, and unable to contact her husband for any updates ( and they are still waiting for biopsy results etc) only to be informed that Fred had most likely been bitten by a snake at least 6 hours earlier and had not been seen since. Finally found the mutt, unable to stand up (ie semi paralised) and over the next 3 hours was basically convinced that the little "chick magnet " was dead on two times of not being able to detect a pulse - heartbeat etc. The little bugger is tougher than he looks tho, cause Wed morning, hes lined up for a feed as if nothing had happened, and was out chasing rabbits when I left for work
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Bad Weeks ????
Posted by Robert at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Signs of the times.
Came home a few weeks to see this attached to the front gate -was expected, but did cause a lot of emotional hurt, this basically is the end of my owning my "little bit of paradise" and also the end of my childrens access to a special place. I knew that it was going to have to happen sooner or later, but it still hurt big time to come home and see this attached to the front gate. Re the top line of the sign, change the first two words to "Sold", as I signed the contracts of sale this morning
Posted by Robert at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: End of a lifestyle ???
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sudden Changes
Last night saw a bit of turmoil in the family households. Got a frantic phonecall late in the evening from No 2 son to come and get him.
Ended up this morning going and picking him up along with a ute load of clothing etc - he and his mother had a big barny, something which has been building up for a long time, she does not seem to think that the children should be aware of what is happening between myself and her, rather forgetting that it also affects the children in one way or another. There were also a couple of issues between them on other matters, mainly to do with her work and the responsibilities that he was given in regard to the other children.
So here I am,starting into the "batchelor dad" routine - which will mean a few changes to my afterwork life, as well as my fuel & grocerry bills - lol
Posted by Robert at 2:52 AM 1 comments
Labels: ex's etc, kids, lifestyle changes
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Lack of blogs recently
Was going to post a few blogs over the last few months -mainly about the ruggies and Fred, the chick magnet, but gave up after being unable to upload pics - seems that dialup ISP is becoming more obsolete every hour, cannot access some sites that were readilly accessable 6 mths ago, and a few others are starting to become a bit "hit or miss" with the emphasis on the miss. Have gone to Mobile broadband ,which is brilliant (compared to diallup), but since I am very marginal it does not work as often as I would like - generally am running on 1 bar of connection which roughly equals diallup at the faster rates that I sometimes am able to get.
Posted by Robert at 6:47 PM 0 comments