Sunday, August 24, 2008

Stuffed up days

Woke up Saturday morning ready to get into the current (repaint ) room -everything needed purchased over the last week, so a couple of coffees and ready to fire up the sander -wrong - both the new belts were not correct (too loose), so change of plans and go to plan B (using coarser belts) -they were too bloody shortand would not even go on the machine, so much hairpulling, ranting and raving, then looking for receipts etc and off to the local hardware store to get replacements - end result was belts that fitted, but 4 hours lost, so the room that should have been well and truly finished now still needs a couple of hours at least. Given that I leave home in the dark through the week and usually get home in the dark, the loss of 4 hrs + of daylight is a big negative in my plannings - lol

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Life, and its entails

I suppose that I have been a bit slack/ negative over the last couple of weeks, there were a few inputs into that happening, including being played for a dupe by a threetiming cyber friend, but that is now history. Was going through downers last post in that I couldnt achieve the goals that I was striving towards in the timeframe that I had set initially - those goals mainly being to repaint the interior of the house, and make it a place that I was not ashamed to have as a home for my children and for friends to visit - still got a way to go but Im slowly getting there.

One big upset was last Thursday (13th) coming home to a series of phonecalls from nieghbours that a young man in similar circumstances to me had hung himself in the park adjacent to my property- the ultimate form of self harm - turns out that his ex had made it that he could not go near his children through legal channels : Dont the mothers of children realise that at least 99% of the fathers of these children have deep feelings for them - its NOT just a mother thing Girls, us blokes do have feelings/ love/ affection/ etc towards our children, and to create a situation that leads to this result ultimately is a losing situation for the children - they now have NO father.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Out of sorts

The last few weeks have been a bit of turmoil in my life -have had a workplace situation finally come to boiling point ( a result of "Workchoices") that has seen me and a few of my workmates dudded for making the effort to work when we were not 100% ok- seems that we have lost our entitlements to untaken sick pay, so now if we are not feeling ok, off to the quacks and a couple of days sickies. ( given that this amounted to $800 in the Xmas pay packet, not getting it, and not being told that it was not being included led to some stuffed budgets at the least) but the chickens are going to come home to roost in the next few days - 1 bloke takes a " sickie" - and the whole place stops - noone else can do his job - rofl

Also been doing some floor sanding and painting - which has meant a lot of time just trying to clean up the mess (and loads of washing) before the kids fortnightly weekend with me.

Throw into the mix a series of (large) bills all at once, and the dreaded tax time as well, it has been an eventfull 6 weeks or so.