Sunday, August 24, 2008

Stuffed up days

Woke up Saturday morning ready to get into the current (repaint ) room -everything needed purchased over the last week, so a couple of coffees and ready to fire up the sander -wrong - both the new belts were not correct (too loose), so change of plans and go to plan B (using coarser belts) -they were too bloody shortand would not even go on the machine, so much hairpulling, ranting and raving, then looking for receipts etc and off to the local hardware store to get replacements - end result was belts that fitted, but 4 hours lost, so the room that should have been well and truly finished now still needs a couple of hours at least. Given that I leave home in the dark through the week and usually get home in the dark, the loss of 4 hrs + of daylight is a big negative in my plannings - lol


FnL said...

I can relate to those headaches from building this house...think you have everything in order and good to go, but no...always something else...

At least you got it started and should be able to finish it up easily!

pita-woman said...

How 'bout putting those kids to work helping sanding/painting? Maybe you should pull a "Huck Finn" on them and make it seem like so much fun, they'll be begging to do the work. yeah, right!! Kids are too smart for us adults, eh?!