Thursday, September 18, 2008

7 Years (nearly)

7 years ago on 9-11 I saw the images that were streamed around the world from New York on the TV in the maternity ward at Grafton Hospital during a "false alarm" start to the birth of the twins.

Back home next day, but with the edict from the doctors that something had to happen soon, and 7 days later,things were happening, but not as well as they should - so next morning a quick trip to the op theatre and at 4-15am No4 son was brought into the world , followed 2 mins later by No 1 daughter (AKA "the littlest feral one).

No he's not trying to cut off No 3's head (though think that he would like to sometimes - lol) just trying out his presents.

Seven years ago they were cute, controllable(??) and cuddly - what did I do wrong ??????? - oh well, they all get older and become their own individual selves, but sometimes ------(wish, wish)

Oh well , Happy 7th Birthday for tomorrow Ethan & Lilly


pita-woman said...

Oh how cute! Maybe if she weren't on that "chocolate diet" she proclaims to be on, she wouldn't be so feral? Love the pix!

Anonymous said...

Robert, whatever is going on, I hope all is good. Take care!