Thursday, September 18, 2008

7 Years (nearly)

7 years ago on 9-11 I saw the images that were streamed around the world from New York on the TV in the maternity ward at Grafton Hospital during a "false alarm" start to the birth of the twins.

Back home next day, but with the edict from the doctors that something had to happen soon, and 7 days later,things were happening, but not as well as they should - so next morning a quick trip to the op theatre and at 4-15am No4 son was brought into the world , followed 2 mins later by No 1 daughter (AKA "the littlest feral one).

No he's not trying to cut off No 3's head (though think that he would like to sometimes - lol) just trying out his presents.

Seven years ago they were cute, controllable(??) and cuddly - what did I do wrong ??????? - oh well, they all get older and become their own individual selves, but sometimes ------(wish, wish)

Oh well , Happy 7th Birthday for tomorrow Ethan & Lilly