Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Paternal Grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary (1964)

First pic ; Norman and Hilda (with A- youngest g/child{adopted})

Second pic;Uncle R, my father S, Aunt H, Uncle N, Hilda (Grandmother) Norman (Grandfather) , Uncle L. There was a natural daughter who died at age 3 - Aunt H was an adopted child.

Third pic; All the grandchildren (+a ring in - the girl standing between my grandparents was being fostered at the time, and was in the process of being adopted , but something happened and it never eventuated)

I do remember these times as one where you had to be dressed up ( including a tie - yuk), that there were certain formalities that were followed (starting with the Royal toast and Grace), and that you could do a function such as this on a limited budget with help from nieghbours. The only pic that was missed out on was all of the sons and daughters by marraige (ie my mother, my aunts and uncle who married into the family.


Anonymous said...

I see what you mean with adoption, fostering in families and the confusion it causes... I dont remember the royal toast, but I do remember the anthem at movies and when tv started or finished...

and yes, the neighbours always helped out and stretched the

great memory robert, thanks for sharing it with us

Indigo-Daisy said...

When we had functions like these it was pot luck and everyone brought a dish. Many times if there was enough people we had the luncheon in the Church basement.

Gosh when we start looking back we begin to see how short life really is...

pita-woman said...

Oh, you're so right Robert, we used to dress up for everything back then. Not at all like today.
I accompanied some friends to their church over the weekend for their daughter's dedication. It's a contemporary church, & while we were dressed up, I was rather amazed at how relaxed everyone else in the church was... cut-off shorts, t-shirts and flip-flop sandals were very prevelant. Whatever happened to wearing our "Sunday best"?
Great post!