Monday, July 28, 2008

Waste (of natural resources)

One of the things that has interrupted my blogging access this last week was the failure of the alternator in my ute. This led to some rather drastic measures to actually being able to get to and from work (with the subsequent time involved - :-) )

There were a few possible causes of this problem, starting with a blown fuse as the first check - none blown - but the worst case scenario was a blown diode pack, which was a real possibility as the ruggies had used the ute to jumpstart the tractor last weekend.

Come Saturday morning, I stripped the alternator and did the necessary tests to find (happily) that it was no more than a worn out set of brushes that was causing the problem , so off to the auto electricians for a new set of brushes, bearings and an oil seal (max $50.00). whilst they had the brushes etc in stock, they were most insistant that the only thing to do was to throw the old one away and buy a new (aftermarket) unit for $600 - $800. Funnily enough, I had been repairing these items when the people trying to tell me what I should do were still in primary school, and have decided that there will be no more dealings by me with that firm - I may not hve the tickets but I DO have the qualifications in this field.

It struck me most tho, that in this age of greenhouse effects, climate change etc, that to just trash a whole assembly for the sake of a small handfull of parts and an hours labour was a negative way of looking at things.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Flying Foxes

Hope that this might show the general idea of a "Flying Fox". This one is a bit more elaborate than most, but was a part of a commercial operation.

It is also the common name for the fruit bat, a small bat that is native to Australia, and lives on fruit and poses quite a few problems to orchards.


For the American readers _ this is a couple of comic strips that should show what we in Australia call a "Billy cart".

"Ginger Meggs" is the basic "Ocker" kid,always in trouble at school for wagging to go fishing, being a bit entrepreneurial at times, getting bashed regularly by the local bully ,not understanding his girlfriend, etc.
This comicstrip has been a part of Australian life for a long time,nearly as long as the "Phantom" and a few others that are still going, it has changed a little bit over the last few years following the retirement and death of its founder, but to the best of my knowledge, the tradition is being maintained by one of his grandsons.

If you are interested , there is a website , and if you are on a reasonably fast connection, you should be able to access the archives (I cant, keep getting timed out

Nostalgic Saturday

(May also be called Gumbos "Booking Sunday" as it is the result of his first purchase online - lol)

Whilst it may not seem to be an item of great significance to many, this particular book has a place in my families memories for a couple of reasons.

The one reason that relates to nostalgia is memories of the author and my mother exchanging numerous letters over a period of 2-3 years in the late 60's- early 70's passing on information , then confirming the information ( The author was sourcing info from a lot of others as well)

The other reason that this is special to me is that it gives a detailled history of my ancestors back to their Irish times, but also goes back to the actually Scot origins of this line of my forebears, and I do even get a mention.

It was a self published, limited edition (750 copies, numbered and signed by the author) , and I have had the good fortune to get na copy in very good condition.

Friday Foto Challenge - Green

Friday Foto Challenge - Timeless

(very late) Friday foto Challenge -Time

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Billycarts and Flying Foxes

For the Americans who read, I was hoping to put up a cartoon strip and a pic to show what they are, but my scanner is still buried under a dropsheet - so will try and have it ready for the weekend, plus a few missed friday fotos -

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Nostalgic Saturday

"Down the (Old) back paddock" - This is a photo of an oil painting done of the back paddock of my childhood. It was painted by Mrs E Winkell, a friend of my grandparents following a visit to our place.I remember that she sat on a log near the woodheap and daubed and dabbled on a piece of masonite, and what left that day looked nothing like the finished product - it was her way of placing the colours. She did 2 of these paintings, a larger one that she exhibited at Epping art show, and got a major prize for, and this smaller one that she gave to my parents.

The painting is slightly smaller than a sheet of A4 paper, and she got a very close image of the reality ( with the exception of the water - there wasnt that much in the creek, and the fences - they were originally post and rail, but by this time had been replaced with posts and wire.) The creek was actually a billabong which was nearly the full length of the property.

I must have been in my early/ mid teens when this was painted as can remember that she had 2 daughters, but girls were not a point of interest til a little while later - lol

Friday, July 4, 2008


Sorry folks, but mine will be late this week - need the old comp for part of it and it is currently buried under a dropsheet :-)