Saturday, July 5, 2008

Nostalgic Saturday

"Down the (Old) back paddock" - This is a photo of an oil painting done of the back paddock of my childhood. It was painted by Mrs E Winkell, a friend of my grandparents following a visit to our place.I remember that she sat on a log near the woodheap and daubed and dabbled on a piece of masonite, and what left that day looked nothing like the finished product - it was her way of placing the colours. She did 2 of these paintings, a larger one that she exhibited at Epping art show, and got a major prize for, and this smaller one that she gave to my parents.

The painting is slightly smaller than a sheet of A4 paper, and she got a very close image of the reality ( with the exception of the water - there wasnt that much in the creek, and the fences - they were originally post and rail, but by this time had been replaced with posts and wire.) The creek was actually a billabong which was nearly the full length of the property.

I must have been in my early/ mid teens when this was painted as can remember that she had 2 daughters, but girls were not a point of interest til a little while later - lol


Unknown said...

What an incredible gift! I am so glad you still have it :-)And Robert I think your memories of what was actually there just add to the integrity of the painting.

I remember visiting my Grandfather/Uncle Arthur's farm when I was little and they had a huge map of the property painted on wood in the kitchen - and there was pegs to indicate what was happening where. No idea what happened to that, and it certainly wasn't even vaguely in the league of this painting!

Farm history is so interesting and just ripe with moments to share - and so often taken for granted by the families involved.

Brilliant post :-)

Indigo-Daisy said...

What a lovely heirloom and commentary. I to0 loved how you still remember what was actually there when it was painted.

My grandparents were farmers and I have fond memories of their farm. It was sad when they sold the property and the new owner had no need for the big beautiful house and barn. It just sat there for years and we would drive out there on visits until they finally tore it down.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant post RG and how great to be able to tie your memories to the artists it

victoria said...

Yes I really enjoyed reading this memory and the picture is great.