Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A bit about me

Hi Blogger viewers.

Since I have now been dragged (kicking and screaming - lol) into the world of blogging in the first part {and not just commenting on Random, MG's Musings or She dreams in colours blogs} here is a little about me.

"Down the back paddock" is Abbeys (very artistic) interpretation of me as a farmer/ grazier, which I am ( tho not always as good as I would like to be), but I am also the father of 5 (4 boys and 1 girl[tomboy who is supposed to be a lady :) ], ranging from 16 to 6.

I also work in a sawmill to get the money to survive from week to week, and also used to work as a mechanic and "goffer" with a trucking company.

I am a member of the Rural Fire Service, and was captain of the local brigade till the arrival of my last 2 children (twins) which event meant that there was not enough time for work, family and brigade - something had to go to a lesser priority, tho I always wonder if I made the right choices - the current situation seems to indicate otherwise at times :-).

Computerwise, it is all a big learning curve for me, there has been a computer here for about 8 years, but "you are doing it all wrong, let me do it "prevailled till about 18 mths ago when the (original) comp, the kids, and the missus changed address, and I had to start from scratch ( didnt help that the it bloke that could explain things to me in plain English died just after all the above events).

So I started looking around the web and ran into a very special person there, and from that (cyber ) meeting (and 2 computers later -lol) I have ended up here in Blogland (with a few more friends) - thanks Abbey


pita-woman said...

Many welcomes to blogger-world! And truly, it does open up a whole new world to you. I feel I've gained some wonderful cyber-friends, have learned (am still learning) of new cultures & ways of life. There are people out there that can lend a sympathetic ear, laugh with you, and encourage you when you need it most.
You are (were?) in good company...
my husband has been a volunteer firefighter for over 30 years now, and I even did it for a short time too (with the theory of: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em... but I'm too much a coward!).

Unknown said...

And we are all the richer for having you around Robert! And as fabulous as Abbey is, I think you aren't giving yourself enough credit for the effort you have put into the cyber journey too :-)

Indigo-Daisy said...

I have a little farming in me as my grandparents had a small farm in North Dakota. My grandmother had a huge flower garden and now that she has passed I think she still shows up now and then when I see certain flowers.

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Mountaingirl is right RG you've done heaps and computers are a steep learning curve and often as you say being left high and dry to work them out is often the best...

I wander around cyberspace and find all sorts of Pita says, different cultures, people with similar interests..and sometimes just touching base with others ...

Your doing brilliantly