Saturday, May 3, 2008

The novice blogger

Since I have now been dragged kicking and screaming into the world of blogging by the lovely Abbey from 'Random', I had better let you all know that what you see is actually her creation - and a very nice creation she has produced for me.

I'm not as good at writing "in depth" types of things such as she or MG do - I dont have the gift of the gab (despite my 1/4 Irish origins lol) so there wont be much in he way of deep and meaningful posts here unless i steal them from somewhere else.

So with many thanks to Abbey, Ill finish this, my 1st post.


tashi said...

Hi Robert. Its a beautiful looking blog. All the best to you, with it!

Unknown said...

Hey robert, nice place you got here, you must have had some rain, the back paddock is looking lush xo

Unknown said...

Hey Robert - so nice to be able to visit you regularly. And while Abbey may have helped put it all together, it does look like you - or my vision of you. Yah!

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

I wanted to be the first to say Hi! but everyones traipsing round the paddock (and Abbey fell

Welcome the the often frustrating, often interesting, always fun world of blogging.... I love meeting people through comments and visiting (which I know is hard for you with your connection)..and I have learnt some amazing things for others,,,

and if you get stuck MG or I will be around...and we can tweak it as we go...I dont think you'll need us for long, I was impressed with the way you got started...

Now you just have to get the camera dusted off and get ready for Friday Foto next week..:)

Chelsea + Shiloh said... was a pleasure to make it for you as you have given me so much support...glad you liked the results...

Robert said...

To Abbey - If I could give you as much support as i have got from you over the last 10 - 12 mths, it wouldnt be enough - love you for the supportive , critical, and loving, caring person that you(and your workmates {esp MG & Kyles} ) are and have been - would hope that i can return the support ( if needed) with a lot more

pita-woman said...

Robert, I'd say you have an awesome friend there, to have helped you create your blog.
You'll do fine in your blogs, just write whatever you're feeling at the moment, or do like I do & keep a post-it pad handy to jot down things you want to blog about at a later date.
Welcome to the blogger world!

Robert said...

To Pita - Abbey did not "help" create it - What you see is all Abbey input - And I love the page she has created for me (nearly as good as my fave blogsite - Random)
MG - have been taking pics to try and get one good enough to blow all you girls out of the water lol - but am not as artistic as all of you girls - smile

Robert said...

Abbey,you should not have worked so hard on this creation - smile - then you might have been awake to be No 1 (but you are No1 anyway)