Saturday, May 31, 2008

Nostalgic Saturday

This is a picture of my Grandfather and Mary, the lamb.It was taken about 3 months after my Grandmother died, and his next door neighbour gave him this lamb as a newborn orphan. He raised her on powdered milk, and she used to go everywhere with him, including shopping at Ettalong, so he always had people stopping and talking to him.
After a couple of years, she got too big for him to handle ( he was in his 70's ) so went to my uncle and aunt's place in Dora Creek, where she was popular around the neighbours as a cheap lawnmower.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful post Robert! Is it my imagination or does your tone change when you talk about your Grandparents? It doesn't matter either way lol.

We raised animals on Denkovit(?sp) powdered milk - was that brand available over here? What a great smell it had :-)

Robert said...

Hi MG, My grandparents were special to me ( and all of the family as well),they were both caring people, my grandfather was a gentle gentleman (until you got him at a game of Euchre- was known to play the left bower twice in one hand lol)

He raised Mary on Sunshine powdered milk - Denkavit was basically a calf rearing powdered milk and have had too many dealings with it and poddy calves to want to repeat the experience :-)

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Thats a beautiful story Robert...I remember raising lambs out on the station...they become so attatched so I can imagine her following him...ta for sharing a special memory...

Indigo-Daisy said...

One of my fondest memories as a child was feeding a lamb from a bottle on my cousins farm. Funny, the lambs name was Mary too.

Susan Demeter said...

This is such a lovely story, and photo to go with it :)

Hope you are having a terrific weekend. I played along too. If you have a moment please do stop by :)

My Life In The Urban Zoo


pita-woman said...

Great post!
Do you think the lambs were named Mary because of the nursery-rhyme, "Mary had a little lamb..."?

Robert said...

That was most likely the case, pita, but I was living a few hundred miles away when this all happened, so am not sure of the details re the name.